Facebook adds more security by going HTTPS

by Mahesh Kukreja · 0 comments

in Facebook

Facebook has finally improved it’s security by implementing the HTTP Secure (HTTPS) protocol.

HTTPS is a combination of the HTTP and SSL/TLS protocol which provide encrypted communication and secure identification of a web server. HTTPS is often used for transmitting login information, payment information (like Credit Cards, bank account info, etc).

Facebook goes HTTPS

You must seriously consider enabling this option if you frequently use Facebook from public Internet access points found at airports, schools or restaurants. Without HTTPS, hackers can easily sniff your data if you’re accessing public Wi-fi.

The option is on Account Settings page of Facebook. If you don’t see it now, don’t panic, you’ll see it in the coming weeks.

Facebook HTTPS settings

But many applications on Facebook are not yet supported by the HTTPS protocol. So, we have to wait till Facebook implements this feature all-over.

Here is an official post on the Facebook blog.

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