How I Get Search Engine Traffic to My Nutrisystem Diet Blog

by Mahesh Kukreja · 1 comment

in SEO Tricks & Tips, Webmaster Tutorials

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Traffic is very important, and it is the foundation of every successful blog. It doesn’t matter how great your blog is or how significant your content is, the key to achieving success and making sales on the long-run is to have enough traffic. One thing you need to realize, though, is that the source of the traffic to your blog is more important than the traffic itself. Sometimes, 100 visitors are far better than 10,000 visitors, and that is why it is wise to focus all your traffic generation efforts on sources that deliver great results.

Increase Traffic to your blog or website

Since I know that the quality of the traffic I get to my blog is more important, I have been putting more efforts into optimizing my medifast and nutrisystem blog for the search engines, and the results I’ve been getting so far has been awesome. In this article I will be sharing my top tips on how I get search engine traffic to my nutrisystem diet blog with you.

I Make Sure My Posts are Keyword Focused

One major step I take when it comes to optimizing my nutrisystem and medifast diet blog for the search engines is to make sure each and every one of my blog post is keyword focused. The reason for this is that I see each and every post I write as an investment, and the way I optimize each and every post I write for future traffic will make a huge difference in the kind of results I get with it in the future.

By making sure each and every post you write is keyword focused you will be able to make it easy for the search engines to understand what your post is all about, and as a result increase your search engine rankings easily.

Mind you, I’m not trying to tell you to write keyword-stuffed content, as that will end up backfiring. What I’m trying to tell you is to make sure you don’t pass up any opportunity to use your keywords effectively in your articles; otherwise, you will end up paying for it.

I Put More Attention into My Tags

The next step I take when trying to get search engine traffic to my diet blog is to focus more attention on optimizing my tags for the right keywords. This includes the Meta tags, the title tags, the site description and a lot more. The reality is that these tags matter a lot more than many of us can imagine, but a lot of bloggers these day are underplaying their importance, and as a result end up paying dearly for it.

I Build Quality Backlinks and Write Link-Bait Content

The final, and the most important, step I take to ensure my articles get ranked for the keywords I’m targeting is to build backlinks. Sometimes, the search engines won’t really know what your article is all about until you tell them, and the best way to tell them is by building backlinks. There are several ways to build quality backlinks to your blog. It could be by writing link-bait content, it could be by writing quality guest posts for others, and it could be by utilizing other tactics. It doesn’t matter what your approach is, just make sure you gain as much quality backlinks as possible.

Author Bio:

John is diet blogger that loves to share his SEO secrets with other bloggers. He gives Medifast promotion coupons over at For a Nutrisystem review visit this page. Medifast and Nutisystem are two medically approved, clinically studied meal replacement programs in the US.

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Prince December 24, 2011 at 10:56 pm

Good keywords, useful tags and quality backlinks are the absolute keys to get more traffic to our websites. The points you’ve presented here are factual and no doubt effective. I hope many newbie bloggers could read this for them to have great ideas in starting their online ventures! 🙂


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