How To Make Money on the Internet – Back to Basics

by Mahesh Kukreja · 12 comments

in Make Money Online

I have been thinking to write this post from a couple of days, but I didn’t have much time to compile all the basic ways to make money online. Today it’s Sunday and I got couple of hours, so I am writing this post. This post is basically for newbies who come on the Internet to make some bucks. I’ll try to cover most basic ways to make money online. If I leave out something, please help me by commenting below 😉

Make Money Online

I’ve been on the Internet since I was 11 years old and have been finding ways to make fortune since then.. So let’s start. Basically every geek on the Internet wants to make money online by doing something. I won’t go in very details, just a basic introduction to everything..

1. Make a Blog/Forum/Website:

Many young enthusiasts are coming on the Internet these days to start a blog or forum of their own. This is basically the most easiest way to make money online. If you don’t want to bother about domain name, you can get a blogger account, or a account. These services allow you to freely start a blog. Softwares like WordPress are available if you want to host your own blog with custom domain name.

You must choose a niche before you think about blogging. This step is important, as you must know what you’ll be writing about on your blog. Various niches include Technology, Health & Fitness, Marketing, Fashion, Sports, etc.. So, choose your niche wisely. Look out what you’re interested in and write about that.

You can also start a discussion forum if you want others to participate more interactively.. Softwares like Invision Power Board and vBulletin are paid forum softwares, while phpBB is the freely available version.

Now next step is to monetize your website. Newbies mostly go for Google Adsense, Chitika, Infolinks, etc.. Get approved by them and place ad codes on your website.

You can improve traffic to your website by social bookmarking (Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon), doing a little SEO, etc..

2. Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is marketing about the products related to your niche. Commission Junction and ClickBank help you to sell digital products on your site and pay you the commission. Wide range of digital products are available. Amazon Inc’s Associate system lets you sell their products. In turn, they give pay you commission for the products which you help to sell. Lots of other sites are available, in different niches, for affiliate marketing.

3. Selling goods online:

If you have a business in your locality and want to bring it online, sites like eBay and Amazon can help you do so. Firstly, you list up your products online, then interested buyers can bid/buy your products. You get paid via PayPal or directly to your bank accounts.

4. Earn the Freelancer way:

A freelancer is somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term.


A freelancer works according to his needs. Freelancers can work in the following fields:

  • Web Designing
  • Software Coding
  • Game Development
  • Logo Designing
  • SEO Optimization
  • Content Writing

You can find freelancing jobs via web. Here are the posts which have compiled a list of sites which offer freelancing jobs:

  1. The Monster List of Freelancing Job Sites
  2. Best 11 Freelance Sites
  3. List of Freelance Sites

You can also find jobs on Webmaster forums like DigitalPoint.

5. Earn By Tweeting:

If you’re a Tweet-a-holic, this is a good news for you. You can make money by tweeting for any of the following ventures:

But, you’ll need quality followers for that, Spam doesn’t work.

6. Other Ways:

Other ways to make money online include:

  • writing eBooks
  • becoming a hosting & domain reseller
  • selling direct advertisement on your website
  • designing and selling web templates or scripts
  • selling Stock Photos at sites like iStockPhoto
  • become a security expert and get paid for fixing vulnerabilities on people’s websites
  • etc..

A Few Last Words:

These are some of the ways to make money on the Internet. But, you’ll have to remain persistent and need to work honestly. You’re not going to earn just like that. There’s a lot of competition in every field. Thousands and thousands of blogs with same niche are present on the Internet. You need to make your blog outstanding. Similarly, lot of people work in the same filed of freelancing or sell similar items. You need to have patience in each and every field. Time is the answer to everything. Nothing happens at the first instance. So, don’t lose hope and keep working smartly.

If you have any other ways or blog posts related to this topic, please share them below..

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{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

Gerri April 24, 2011 at 1:08 pm

Nice post for people who are starting out. Please do mention in subsequent posts that people need to work on it, it is not going to happen just like that and they need to be persistent and persevere and make sure they get as much information as they can so that they are doing the right things in order to make themselves as much money as they can.


Admin April 24, 2011 at 1:44 pm


Thanks for pointing that out. I have added it above!


bloggingtechnews April 24, 2011 at 2:44 pm

Nice… One things, build nice domain and develop. You can sell with high price. I have do it.


P/S Tweeted…. from @templateplace


Admin April 24, 2011 at 2:55 pm


Yes. A keyword rich domain helps to improve sales.. Not only that, a good landing page also makes sure that buyers are attracted to the products..


Lawrence@CreditDonkey April 25, 2011 at 9:54 am

Great post and tips on making money online. I will just add as there are many websites offering online jobs with decent pay always double check first because sometimes some websites are hoax or fraud. I’ve tried odesk and that website offers a wide range of jobs coming from data entry, blogging to networking.


Karoline April 25, 2011 at 10:06 am

I love how comprehensive this post is.


Cheap Seo India;Sag IT solution April 25, 2011 at 12:11 pm

I would like that there are some basic ways to making money online. These days Many young enthusiasts are coming on the internet,.like blog, forum etc. and social bookmarking is also will help you to making money by internet marketing.


webenthu April 26, 2011 at 2:27 pm

Nice post. You have covered all major points here. Thanks!


Cat April 26, 2011 at 5:11 pm

thanks for the great idea of submitting to istock – I love photography and never thought of making money online that way


Jens P. Berget April 27, 2011 at 9:18 pm

Great overview. It’s fairly easy to earn a few bucks, but really hard to make a lot of money. I believe that the best way to earn money on the Internet is by creating your own product and start selling it. I’ve done affiliate marketing for a while, and it takes a lot of time (at least for me).

– Jens

Reply April 28, 2011 at 10:56 am

Great suggestions. I was actually thinking of ways on how I can monetize my websites. Thanks!


Jacob Smith June 15, 2012 at 3:44 pm

we must always all look to this as gasoline for our personal aspirations to succeed with our personal blogs. Properly put collectively thanks for sharing.


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