The Benefits of using Cloud Hosting over Traditional Hosting Servers

by Mahesh Kukreja · 2 comments

in Web Hosting

Everybody’s talking about cloud computing, and with good reason – it’s likely to become a fundamental part of day-to-day life. The impact of cloud computing on web hosting can’t be underestimated. Trying to figure out the best hosting option is one of the first major headaches that anyone who is trying to set up a website has to deal with – be they a web developer, company or small entrepreneur. If they decide to play it safe and choose an option with too much capacity they are wasting valuable capital, but choose too little and customers will face unacceptable delays.

The Benefits of Cloud Hosting

The ability of cloud hosting to keep websites running quickly and smoothly is one of its major benefits. Slow page load times aren’t just inconvenient, they’re a major factor in users’ perception of a website – a 2009 study found that 52 percent of users would no longer use a website that loaded too slowly, with 2 seconds being the upper limit on the load time. This is also reflected in Google’s search algorithm, with pages that load quickly being rewarded.

How The Cloud Works?

This is apart from the very real “Slashdot effect”, where a recommendation or discussion on a popular internet hub can lead to a sudden and drastic rise in traffic that can completely overload a website just as it becomes well-known. Not only is the website unable to capitalize on these new visitors, but it disappoints them at the same time, making them unlikely to return when the website arranges hosting to meet the demand. Cloud computing solves these problems and more.

Pay as you Go

The pay as you go concept that some providers offer links expenditure with income, whether it’s via ad impressions or visitors that the business hopes to convert into sales. Hosting costs increase with more visitors but decrease with less, so that the business need not estimate a budget based on past performance or future performance, but rather pays only for what has been used. There are a variety of different billing models out there, so those who prefer a more structured payment system can use a subscription based payment scheme and won’t need to worry about sudden price-hikes.

All of this is taking place in combination with server allocation that mirrors the ebb and flow of the load on the website. Sudden popularity for a website that means a spike in server load leads to more server capacity being allocated. Similarly, a steady increase in use is also catered for by the cloud servers. Cloud servers allow users to upload as much data as necessary, from small amount to vast quantities without necessarily having to organize it with their hosting.

Cloud Security

In cloud computing the client/customer is unaware of where the processes are running or where the data is stored. So, logically speaking, the client has no control over it. The cloud computing uses the internet as the communication media. When we look at the security of data in the cloud computing, the vendor has to provide some assurance in service level agreements (SLA) to convince the customer on security issues. Those that are concerned about security might want to consider using cloud hosting with a virtual private server or VPS, so that their server space can be partitioned separately from that of other users while still offering the dynamic functionality and scalability that is making cloud computing such a high-profile development in web hosting.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

George July 15, 2011 at 8:29 pm

Today cloud comes first as far as any growing business is concerned. In the cloud environment nothing is wasted and every resource is fully utilized. The scalability makes cloud the most preferred platform for application development and deployment.


Mani August 5, 2011 at 7:33 pm

my friend is using Cloud Hosting in His blog..he said the service is good but i haven’t tested it!


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