Top 5 Tips for Making Money Online

by Mahesh Kukreja · 1 comment

in Make Money Online

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There are many ways to make money online, and the good news is that not all of these online money making opportunities are scams. The bad news, however, is that it can be incredibly difficult to distinguish between genuinely awesome money making opportunities and big, bad scams.

There are a lot of tips for making money online that can be terribly beneficial. These tips can keep you from avoiding scams and keep your work cost effective, among other things. These are some of the top 5 tips for earning money online, and while this isn’t exhaustive, these are a great way to help anyone make some money online.

Make Money Online

[Photo via Flickr]

1. Remember that there really is no such thing as something for nothing

Sure there are occasionally giveaways and other means where one can really get something for nothing. However, if there is a site promising to give you premium dollars for almost no work at all, you are most likely staring down a scam. Avoid offers that promise top dollar awards for nearly no effort.

2. Don’t pay up front

If you are online or in the real world, you should be suspicious of promises of big bucks if you pay out first. Often these are scams looking for large application fees, licensing fees or some other sort of investment. There are legitimate sites that will request a fee, but that is usually after you get paid.

3. Think about what is cost effective

If you are getting started as a freelancer, for example, earning $10 for your very first article may be exciting, but it may not be cost effective. As a beginner, it may be hard to figure out how long it takes you to write an article. Once you start knowing how long it takes you to do what you are doing, you can figure out what your average hourly rate is an how much you need to make per piece or other element to make a fair hourly rate.

4. Don’t expect to get rich

Most legitimate online money making opportunities can provide supplementary income. This should be spending money, something that won’t be able to replace your regular income. This means you shouldn’t expect to end up set for life by following some online money making opportunities.

5. Explore different sites

If you are looking at making extra money online as a freelancer, you have a lot of opportunities. There are many different sites dedicated to setting up employers with available freelancers all over the globe. If you are trying to make a go of working online and not quite making it, don’t forget that there is more than one site. You may not be buried in work from the opportunities at one site, but if you explore multiple freelancing sites, you could end up with lots of potential employers before you know it.


There are many money making sites online, and while many of them can help to substantially supplement your income, many more of them are complete scams. The tips offered here are not exhaustive advice, but these are an excellent start when beginning to navigate how to make money online.

It is important to realize that many online money making opportunities are not legitimate. It is also helpful to remember that legitimate opportunities, if done right, can be a very helpful income supplement without taking up all of your free time.

Author Bio

This article is written by Kevin Moor who writes for, a site featuring interesting and informative reviews on data recovery.

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Eric November 21, 2011 at 7:16 pm

I started my moneymaking online through fiverr, I think that it’s the best place for newbies who want to start their living online.


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