Optimizing Keyword Usage for Better SEO Results

by Mahesh Kukreja · 0 comments

in SEO Tricks & Tips

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There is one aspect of planning and launching a website that cannot be stressed enough and that is keyword optimisation. This is beneficial for already existing websites as well if they are to keep going strong in this extremely competitive and dynamic online milieu. Keywords can be best described as phrases or a group of words that any search engines tallies with all the available websites to give relevant results when a user searches for information. For example, when someone searches for “10 minutes recipes” the search engine goes through all the websites to check for ones that have the relevant keywords. An insurance website will not have these keywords and hence, will not be shown in the search result. Undoubtedly, it makes a huge impact on your website how you use keywords. Here is a brief guide for using keywords better:

Keywords Optimization for better SEO

Directly Relevant

This can be considered as the first and the easiest step but it is definitely not unimportant. Here, you select and include the most directly relevant keywords in the content on your website. This means that a used car website should include the keywords “used cars”, “best used cars” etc. If your website is not a sales website then the keywords should reflect clearly what it is offering be it services, ideas, concepts etc. Once this is done, you have taken the first step to be noticed by a search engine in case your keyword is searched.

Competitive Keywords

There is no website today without significant competition and once you have taken the first step it is time to deal with the competition. It is a fact that you will always find a few websites that are similar to yours but have been around for a longer period of time. Since you cannot catch up in terms of time, the only way to deal with this is to isolate the keywords that are searched often but not covered by your competitors. Doing this, you will gain an edge when those particular keywords are searched.

How to place the keywords

This is the natural question that will follow once you have selected relevant and competitive keywords. Usually, one type of keyword is used on one page; however, you can build your website to include three to six keywords on the same page. The keyword can be effectively used in the title and the meta-description of the page and also the alt tags of the images.

Supporting content

It is very important that you not only include relevant and competitive keywords on your website but also embed these keywords in relevant and useful content that your users can come back to. This balance, between writing for search engines and writing for users is imperative and a professional article writing company should be consulted for this. A professional writing firm will know how to seamlessly blend your keywords with the rest of the content on your website.

Keywords Density

It is also advisable not to stuff your webpage with keywords as it can take away from the ‘readability’ of the article. Always remember that providing what your users are looking for is the key to achieving success on the internet. If it gets tough to strike this balance then ideally use a keyword not more than three times on a page. In simple words, your users want quality content and not a paragraph stuffed with keywords.

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